Tuesday, July 27, 2010

House Hunt Adventure

One night last week with nothing to do, my sister Chelsea, our friend Elizabeth and I started looking at houses for sale online.  We weren't looking for any other reason than just for something to entertain us.  We looked at houses that were equal in price to mine, and also the most expensive houses on the website.  We found quite a few GIANT houses and some really cute small houses.  

The next morning, Chelsea had to leave to attend Nordic Fest, which left Elizabeth and I with nothing to do.  In very little time we had decided to go on a House Hunting Adventure.  (It's capitalized because it was epic!)  We wrote down the addresses to our top five favorite houses, looked them up on a map so we could visit them according to distance away from my house and what side of town they were on, and off we went!  

The first house we went to was out of sheer curiosity.  It was in a really sketchy neighborhood and was actually in the historic register for Des Moines.  Built in 1886, it was a classic Victorian that I may have thought about purchasing if it weren't for the possible drive-by shootings and also for it's resemblance to the Addams Family residence.

Now this is definitely a situation where you can't judge a book by it's cover.  The interior is absolutely beautiful.  All of the bedrooms are HUGE and remind me of something you'd see in a movie.  (You know how all teenagers in movies have rooms the size of my master suite?  Ok, probably bigger.)  

Seriously, I would've killed for a room like that growing up!  And check out this bathroom...


Sigh....  It's beautiful.
And the details just get me...  Why can't they build houses like this anymore?  Simply beautiful.

Oh, and the price, you ask?  $150,000!  It's a steal.


Emily said...

This is so amazing!! What a great house. $150,000 is such a steal. Too bad it's in a no-good neighborhood. House hunting is very fun.

We've thought for a split second about buying out here in HI, but it's pretty much out of the question. Anything less than $350,000 is tear-down quality. Decent houses really start closer to $500,000. For now, we're happy renting.

Lucky Soda Photography said...

That's my friend's house! In fact, I took most of those pictures of the interior! Isn't it fantastic? I wish it was in a better neighborhood too :o( Of course we wouldn't be able to afford it then. My friend and her husband completely restored it. It was in very bad shape when they purchased it about 10 years back.

Courtney said...

You're kidding, Sarah! What a small world! I love that house! And you're right, if only it were in a good neighborhood. It would be an absolute steal at that price!

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