I've had pretty much one thing on my mind for the past week or so:
baby shower.
My good friend Ashlee and I decided to plan a baby shower for my little sis, who is due July 1. For the past few weeks we have been brainstorming, planning, buying (and buying and buying), and preparing for this baby shower. Since my sister told us she was pregnant, we've all been running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to prepare for this new arrival. As it is already so late in the game we thought we should go all out for this shower for Chels. Not only because she deserved a day all about her, but because there are a lot of baby items she really needed.
I know some people don't like games at baby showers, but I think they're fun. So we planned a lot of them. We started with a game where everyone had to make a baby out of play-dough. Chelsea then judged who's was the most realistic, most disturbing, ugliest, and most creative. The guests really got into it, and unfortunately we only got one picture because there were some really good ones.
Only a few people could play our next couple games at the same time, so we had two games going on simultaneously as we had around 25 guests in attendance.
The first game was called the "poopy diaper" game. We melted 10 different candy bars into little diapers and the guests had to guess which candy bar they were. (Almond joys make a very disgusting looking poopy diaper for the record.)
The second game was the baby food game. Guests had to look at different baby foods and guess what they were just by looking and smelling (and tasting if they really wanted).
And we ended with the classic belly measuring game. Guests cut a length of yarn as big around as they thought Chelsea's belly was, then everybody puts their string around Chelsea's belly to see who was the most accurate. This one is always pretty funny. There is always somebody who cuts their string way too long and it wraps around the belly twice.
After our games were over and the food table was pillaged we moved onto presents. She got so many cute little boy things, and a lot of items she really needed, including a car seat, stroller, diaper genie, diapers, clothes, blankets, pacifiers, etc.
Our guests were so generous. We were so thankful.
Our beautiful guest of honor.
Best cake in Des Moines!!
The co-hosts with the guest of honor.
All of our helpers.
Parker loving Chels.
Tasting the "poopy diapers". Yum!
Parker on her favorite seat.