Tuesday, November 29, 2011

the new house frenzy

We are very excited to move into our new house.
But there are so many loose ends needing to be tied up that I am going crazy!
Financial details, packing, planning, and on top of it all
We sure picked a great time of year to move. (note sarcasm)

So much to do, so little time.
The actual building of the house is right on schedule, but now we are behind on some of the financial details and our closing date may have to be moved from December 20th to December 30th. Boo.

On top of all that, there are so many unexpected costs that arise in the building process.
Change your mind on one little detail and there's usually a fee.
And we are moving from a 1450 sq. ft. house into an (approximately) 2500 sq. ft. house,
so there's furniture to be bought.
When we actually do move in there will be movers to pay.
And of course, our house payment is going to be increasing by quite a bit.

Let's just say I am excited for it to be January.
I am usually all about Christmas, but this year it is just stressing me out.
In January, I plan on two things: saving money and dieting/exercising.

Luke and I have been taking the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University,
and we would recommend it to everybody.
I was really hesitant to take this class, but I am so glad that we did.
I have always been pretty terrible with money.
I never saved any money, and would just spend money as it entered my account.
I can't count how many overdraft charges I received.
Now I am excited about saving money.
I want to build and build our savings and have enough money to buy some bigger ticket items if we need them.  
Sorry, didn't mean to get on a financial soapbox.

Diet and exercise.
I'm actually excited about this, believe it or not.
I am sure when I am in the midst of it I won't be so excited anymore,
but right now I am excited to get started.
I am saving myself some trouble and not starting until the holidays are over-
that's wasted effort if you ask me.
The reason I am so excited to get started is because one of my best friends is getting married in April.  She is definitely a beautiful girl, and she has lots of beautiful friends.  I am lucky enough to be one of her eleven bridesmaids.*  
But like I said before, her friends are beautiful,
and then there's me.  No, I am not a self-loathing, insecure person.
I am just one of two girls that has children,
and the body to go with it at this moment.
And I really don't want to be the fat bridesmaid amidst a stunning group of girls, with perfect bodies, toned stomachs, tight butts, and athletic arms.
That sounds a little exaggerated, but it is really how I feel.
I used to have that body, but now I have two kids in replacement of that body.
My goal someday is to have the kids AND the body.
And that is why I am excited to start my diet.

*Yes, eleven bridesmaids.  Some people are shocked by this and have to take a moment to process.  I personally think she is incredibly blessed to have this many close friends.


Elizabeth L said...

YAH YAH YAH! i cant wait to help you move :)))

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