Saturday, October 15, 2011

still cool?

sometimes i feel like since i have kids i am no longer cool.
i feel old. ugly. fat.
which translates to not trying very hard when i get dressed,
or do my hair,
but then i take a step back and realize i'm only 24 years old!
i am not old or ugly,
and ok, i still have some prego-pudge to work off.
but i've been working on that. a lot.

motivation can come in the strangest places.
today, it came from pinterest.
i look through there sometimes and realize i can still look like that.
i'm young.
my skin is still tight.
i am going to lose weight. (I AM!)
i didn't go to cosmetology school to throw my hair in a messy bun everyday.
not that it's a bad thing!

buns are the shiz right now.
actually i take that back, i will wear a messy bun everyday. wink.
and i just looked over at my daughter and realized
she's never looked cuter with her hair in a messy pony...

 oh yeah, i will be trying this.

Sorry, got on a little hair tangent.

Point being,
there's no reason I can't look like this...

got a little lauren conrad obsessed there for a minute.
but man, she has the best body and style.
and hair.

i've been trying lately to work harder on my outfit choices.
that requires more forethought, and more laundry.
and it really requires more shopping. aw man. ;)
i really want to vow to be a cool mom,
to not get stuck in a rut,
to go for cool rather than comfort.
hey, if i really luck out 
maybe i'll find something that looks cool AND feels comfy.


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