Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Pre-blog, side-note:
How'd you guys like my new staff writer?
I've gotten nothing but positive comments, so I'm assuming you guys like him as much as I do.
Ok, not that much. ;)
But enough that I think I'll keep him around here at MLAM headquarters.

Sunday morning was typical.
I got up early enough to get myself showered and ready, and to get the girls lookin' pretty for church.  I was actually on target to be early to church and that never happens.  We're usually pulling in to the parking lot about five minutes after service starts.  I am trying my hardest to be more punctual.  It's an uphill battle, but we're getting there.  
Back to Sunday...  
We were seconds from heading downstairs to get into the car.  I decided at the last minute to throw a scarf on that I had in my closet.  I grabbed one from my recently hung scarf rack, and threw it on.  I put the scarf rack up myself.  I have been meaning to put it up for years.  Literally, years.  It was sitting in the closet at our townhouse waiting to be hung the entire 3.5 years we lived there.  Now that we have a much bigger closet I have a nice space for it and I hung it up.  I didn't have the right size screws or a drill to use so I just got the biggest nails I could find and hammered it into the wall until I could get the right screws.  So when Haven saw me grab a scarf she went over and grabbed one too...and yanked.  And my haphazardly hammered in scarf rack came flying out of the wall and hit my poor little girl in the eyebrow.  My first reaction was to be mad at her, but I almost immediately realized that she was hurt by the way she was crying.*  I picked her up from under the mess of scarves and sure enough there was blood on her eyebrow.  I made sure to keep her parallel with the ground to minimize the bleeding and so the blood wouldn't get on the carpet.  I laid her out on our bathroom counter and asked Luke for a towel.  I applied pressure like any wannabe-nurse would, and then took a look at what we were dealing with.  Sure enough, the cut was open and looked like it needed stitches.  It wasn't very big - probably slightly less than half an inch long, but I could tell it needed some medical attention.  And also she had a fat lip and the inside of her mouth was a little bloody.  So it turned out we got all dressed up just to go to the ER.  We dropped baby Parker off at my mom's house and headed to the new hospital that is nearby.  Luckily for us, when we got there the ER was empty.  I imagined it would be on a Sunday morning, but I figured people get hurt regardless of what day or time it is, so I wasn't sure how it would be.  Anyway, we got right in.  The doctors and nurses were very sweet to Haven.  She was a very good girl and just sat on her hospital bed, snuggled her teddy bear, and let everybody do what they needed to.  She was actually more scared of the bandaid being pulled off than for the impending stitches.  When the doctor came in he took a look and said that he wasn't going to give her stitches, because it can be pretty traumatic for little kids.  They ended up opting for glue.  The doctor held her wound together and applied a thin layer of glue, waited a few seconds for it to dry and then added one more layer.  That was that, good as new.  She really was quite the trooper.  I was proud of my little sweetie.

It's only been a couple days and you would think that she just scraped her forehead.  It is amazing how tiny it looks.  Most people probably wouldn't even ask if there was a story that came with it.  

In the ER waiting room, with her bear, Helen.

You've always got to dress like a princess, even on a gurney.

The wound after gluing.  And her tulip earrings.

Just a really cute picture in her new dance outfit for good measure.

*If you're not a parent yet you might not know about different cries, but oh yes, there are many.  Some examples are:  The fake cry, the in-pain cry, the tired cry, the bratty cry, and the whine cry.  This particular cry was her in-pain cry.


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